Saturday, May 3, 2008 Hosts Virtual Neighborhood Garage Sales in Canada

Canadian website of the online classifieds starts in a quasi-sale of the garage and the function " Advanced search for capability.
Cars area, furniture, real estate and & 39; ll & 39 Employment is only the beginning. Canadian classifieds site has a lot to offer, especially if you& 39;re d & 39; trying to re-one-of-a-kind objects for sale in your own neighborhood., Forum dedicated to the connection between buyer and seller, is a refreshing way d & 39; and sell items without conditions and cost of a traditional classified ads of newspapers. The site d & 39; originally for the region of Toronto has now connected to serve l & 39; throughout the country and a sister site of the U.S. is currently in preparation d & 39; . Curious to know what your neighbor at the end of the block, the & 39; n offered? The search & 39; objects for sale immediately in your living area is quickly and simply because of the functional capacity search and sort and an advanced internal search engine. So, how is differs from other locations, online as well as the major newspapers, online or site-d & 39; auctions such as eBay? C & 39; is what is not typical do.
Absent the chart, which slows down the disturbance typical locations. There is no & 39; presentations of the imagination, not shrill and e-commerce development, not the structures of charges for the assignments. C & 39, is & 39; all companies. Click a link and you will get a simple description of the product, photos and contact details. Using is absolutely free, what makes them attractive classified d & 39; alternative but to non-listed peer pressure and classified ads traditional d & 39; impression. It is completely free for a person to & 39; send an object for sale, an advertisement, or answers to a display. As a community site for classified ads, clicks. It is an easy to use, read to the buyer and seller, and represents an important service for their consumers. is a classifieds and online marketplace for the combination of Web buyers and sellers. We provide tools and lists of & 39; buying and selling of products and services in Canada.

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Weakest Link In The Information Security Awareness Chain?!?

Answer of this question is simple and incredible for many people ears... Weakest link in informations security awareness chain is PEOPLE!!! Why? Because we are people with human weaknesses and there are people who use that to get benefit. Social engineering is the name given to a category of security attacks in which someone manipulates others into revealing information that can be used to steal data, access to systems, access to cellular phones, money or identity. That s definition, but actually, social engineering is the acquisition of sensitive information or inappropriate access privileges by an outsider, based upon the building of an inappropriate trust relationship with insiders. There are three aspects of social engineering:
* Different avenues of persuasion * Perception that affect social interaction * Techniques for persuasion and influence.
Social engineers use many different methods to get out information from peoples. To retrieve desired information they can use computer based methods refers to software action or human based methods that refers to person-to-person communication, sometime even both. They can calling and pretend vice president or someone from tech support group, looking over a shoulder or even going through the trash. They can send you spam, chain letters and viruses and do much more to get necessary information! Here is one example of social engineering prepares by Melissa Guenther, LLC. : Mr.Smith: Hello? Caller: Hello, Mr. Smith. This is Fred Jones in tech support. Due to some disk space constraints, we re going to be moving some user s home directories to another disk at 8:00 this evening. Your account will be part of this move, and will be unavailable temporarily. Mr.Smith: Uh, okay. I ll be home by then, anyway. Caller: Good. Be sure to log off before you leave. I just need to check a couple of things. What was your username again, smith? Mr.Smith: Yes. It s smith. None of my files will be lost in the move, will they? Caller: No sir. But I ll check your account just to make sure. What was the password on that account, so I can get in to check your files? Mr.Smith: My password is tuesday, in lower case letters. Caller: Okay, Mr. Smith, thank you for your help. I ll make sure to check you account and verify all the files are there. Mr.Smith: Thank you. Bye. From this conversation we can see how clever and east they cheat information, allow us thinking that we are useful! Statistic said that, at the most risk to social engineering fraud is elderly, because they tend to be more trusting and less familiar with technology. But always there is possibility that everyone can become a victim of social engineer! Because it is so important, make information security awareness training like a part of daily life!
Article source: information security awareness

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hard Drive data loss

Accidental deletion, accidental formatting, virus damage, corrupt files, mechanical damage these are some of the reasons why you would have lost some data off your hard drive or other drives. If this has happened to you, what is the next step, will you get the information back and was it important data-sentimental or imperative to successful business transaction? The good news is that the files may be retrievable, if you need those files urgently, and cant afford to lose them, consider using the expert services of a data recovery company. Most expert companies understand the critical nature of lost data and can supply immediate expert attention.
A professional data recovery company uses advanced tactics and technology to enable data retrieval. Data recovery companies are usually made up of skilled engineers, all experts in their chosen field of data recovery issues. Most data recovery teams can provide services to retrieve any lost data on almost any technical memory storage device.
If you think you may have lost some important data from your hard drive, stop what you are doing, and call in the experts to retrieve the lost data. If you try to retrieve them yourself, or turn on and off the equipment, you may un-knowingly override and overwrite the inaccessible data, the best advice we can offer is for you to stop everything, and call in the experts in to take over.
Data recovery experts can retrieve lost data from hard disk drives, backup tapes, CD and DVD s, flash cards or memory cards/sticks, MO media, stiffy diskettes and almost any digital technology which has been subjected to electro mechanical failure, data corruption, virus infections, data deletions and more. So if this has happened to you, and you place some value on the lost information-sentimental or financial, to ensure the data is successfully recaptured-call an expert data recovery service in to help you.
Hard drive data loss is the worst kind of data loss, most expert data recovery companies will be able to find a solution to the problem. Recovering lost data from severely damaged, crashed hard drives are some professional company s expertise and challenge. Most good companies are of the opinion that data loss is only a temporary setback and usually expert data recovery services have an excellent data recovery success rate of up to 90%.
If your lost data is important and needs to be retrieved, trust the professionals who can offer the services of seasoned engineers with exhaustive experience and knowledge in all operating systems and storage mediate. With a professional data recovery company you can be assured that, your data loss problem will be resolved using innovative technology and you will experience great customer services along with expert data recovery tactics.
Dylan wrote this article for the online marketers at DTI Data.

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Huge Landslide Destroys Ski Resort

On July 30, 1997 a huge landslide rolled over the Thredbo Ski village in Australia causing massive damage and virtually burying the resort; cars, buildings, people and all! The loose earth, rock, and foliage swept down the slope and crashed into the Bimbadeen Lodge, a multi-level building, used to house guests. Eighteen people died as a direct result of the landslide, most were buried alive.The landslide brought one thousand tones of earth, rock, trees and debris down the slope of the mountain cutting a four hundred meter wide swath. Rescue efforts where made even more difficult due to the occurrence of secondary minor landslides, and unstable soft earth.The damage to the resort was devastating. Sheared water, gas, and oil lines had to be capped before rescue operations could even begin. It took 55 hours before any survivors could even be located. Many vehicles where destroyed by the flowing earth. The Carinya lodge was swept right off its foundations and hurled into the Bimbadeen Lodge. Both multi-floor buildings where completely crushed as a result of the landslide.The social impact on the resort was substantial. Tourism to the resort dropped as a result of the landslide. Most people where afraid to return to the area. Many people suffered trauma from the event and still experience nightmares, and other such medical or psychological conditions. The economic impact to the area was of course very significant. Business to the resort obviously came to a full stop. Millions of dollars had to be spent to repair and rebuild the facility and it took quite a long time to complete the repairs and reopen for business. Lost revenues from the closure and from the reduced level of tourism were enormous.Landslides are not often considered to be significant issues in so far as natural disasters are concerned. They usually occur in more isolated areas and their effects are only felt by relatively small local populations. One must realize, however, that in the last one hundred and sixty five years over one hundred and fifty landslides have caused an estimated two hundred million dollars in damages. They have damaged hundreds of buildings, both homes and businesses, and destroyed roads, pipelines, crops, and disrupted local utilities. These same landslides have killed at least 73 people and injured many more. Obviously, such a landslide can cause economic loss and hardship for an operating business. Proper planning is essential to reduce the risks associated with any type of natural disaster. You can never be too prepared when disaster strikes. Protect yourself from data loss with online backup from Global Data Vault. Avoid downtime, revenue loss and angry customers with remote backup services from Global Data Vault.

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